
You will be advised by a member of the investigation team if you are required to give evidence in court.

The evidence you will give will be based upon an interview you will have had with the SFO. The investigation team will use the interview as the basis of your formal written statement. You will have the opportunity to review, correct and amend your formal written statement before signing it.

You may be required to give evidence at a trial. If the evidence is not contentious, the prosecution and defence may be able to agree for evidence to be submitted to the court in written form.

If you are required to appear in court you will normally receive a summons with a date. If you live a long distance from the court or are unwell, it may be possible to give evidence by video. Inform the prosecutor as soon as possible so they can make a special application to the court for this to happen.

NZ Law Society "Giving Evidence" guide has more information