Phone scam

We are aware of recent cold call scams where the perpetrators claim to be from the New Zealand Serious Fraud Office. 

 Legitimate callers from the NZ Serious Fraud Office will give you the following information: 

  • Their first and last name; 
  • A case or matter reference; 
  • New Zealand contact details (such as a phone number and/or email address); 
  • Context or an explanation for why they are calling you.


Please note the following: 

  • We do not use pre-recorded messages.   
  • We will not call you about your phone being hacked or stolen. 
  • We will not call you from an overseas phone number. 
  • We will not ask you to contact an office outside of New Zealand.
  • We will not call and ask you to share your screen or remotely take control of your computer.


If you have any doubt about the legitimacy of a call, please hang up.   


If you believe the call may be genuine and wish to verify the details of the SFO caller, please email us on or call 0800 109 800 and state the name and contact details of the SFO person who called you and the case or matter reference you were provided. 

If you believe you have been the target of a scam, please contact Netsafe to report the scam and get advice on what to do next. For more information see: Cold call scams - Netsafe – Providing free online safety advice in New Zealand(external link)