Fraud Risk Assessment

These guides include principles and methods taken from leading fraud risk assessment practices across sectors, which fraud control practitioners and fraud risk managers can then apply or adapt to suit individual circumstances.

They will also help fraud specialists, government officials (including policy designers) and senior leaders better understand the fraud risk assessment process and its benefits.

Fraud Risk Assessment Good Practice Guidance

Fraud risk assessments are a way for fraud risk managers to identify fraud risks and vulnerabilities within their agencies. Fraud risk assessments can help leaders understand fraud risks and enable them to make better decisions about how to manage them. This Fraud Risk Assessment Good Practice Guide is a useful tool for carrying out assessments in the public sector.

Fraud Risk Assessment Template

This fraud risk assessment template can be used by agencies to document their fraud risk assessment process. The template will be useful if your organisation doesn't have an existing template, or you want to tailor your existing assessment.

This template provides a step-by-step approach that aligns with recommended good practice. Further detail about these steps can be found in the above Fraud Risk Assessment guide.

Instructions about how to use the template can be found in the first tab of the document.

Four Steps of a Fraud Risk Assessment

These four steps can help you to understand the fraud risks faced by your agency or organisation, so you can make informed decisions about how to manage those risks.

Counter Fraud Approach

This diagram identifies the different elements of a fraud control plan and how they fit together. Fraud risk assessments lie at the centre of this, however this diagram also highlights the importance of an organisation being able to build in the elements of engagement, response, prevention, and influence into their overall counter fraud approach, and what these might look like operationally.