prosecution | Case number: 170051

Jason Koroheke and others

Six people have been charged by the Serious Fraud Office in relation to alleged corrupt behaviour in the provision of road maintenance contracts in South Auckland, including former Broadspectrum (New Zealand) employees Jason Koroheke and Aurelian Mihai Hossu. Four subcontractors who have also been charged in relation to the allegations are Frederick Pou and Jeanette Pou of Coastal Roading Contractors, Richard Motilal of Engineering and Aviation Supplies, and one other who has name suppression.

Mr Hossu and Mr Motilal have pleaded guilty and been sentenced. The remaining defendants have pleaded not guilty.

Case Timeline

  • Jul 2024

    Judge Alone Trial scheduled in the Auckland District Court for Mr Koroheke.

  • May 2024

    Frederick Pou pleads guilty to corruptly giving gifts to an agent totaling $626k to secure contracts.

  • Jun 2024

    The third sub-contractor, who has name suppression, sentenced to 12 months home detention and made a reparation payment of $300,000.

  • Aug 2023

    Richard Motilal of Engineering and Aviation Supplies sentenced to nine months’ home detention and ordered to pay $25,000 in reparation.

  • Feb 2023

    Richard Motilal of Engineering and Aviation Supplies pleads guilty to three charges of corruptly giving gifts to an agent.

  • Jun 2022

    Former Broadspectrum maintenance manager Aurelian Mihai Hossu sentenced to 11 months home detention.

  • Apr 2022

    Former Broadspectrum maintenance manager Aurelian Mihai Hossu pleads guilty to four charges of acceptance of gifts by agent.

  • Jun 2024

    The third sub-contractor, who has name suppression, pleads guilty to one charge of obtaining by deception and two charges of corruptly giving gifts to an agent.

  • Mar 2022

    First appearance scheduled for sixth defendant.

  • Feb 2022

    First appearance for five defendants at Auckland District Court. They did not enter pleas and are due to reappear in court 14 March 2022.