Proactive Information Releases

Periodically we proactively release information that is considered to be of public interest and which will inform the public about how the SFO undertakes its functions.

Information considered for release includes:

  • Briefings, monthly reports and Cabinet papers provided to the Minister for the Serious Fraud Office. 
  • Publications and reports. 
  • Any information that is regularly requested from the SFO under the Official Information Act 1982. 

Some titles, papers and content may be excluded from proactive release or redacted on the basis that: 

  • it is not in the public interest to release the information at this time, for example the advice is still under active consideration or relates to decisions that are yet to be publicly announced; 
  • a withholding ground applies under the Official Information Act 1983 (such as the constitutional convention which protects the confidentiality of advice by officials to Ministers of the Crown); 
  • a requirement of the Privacy Act 2020 or the Serious Fraud Office Act 1990 prevents disclosure; 
  • release would pose a legal or operational risk to the SFO. 

Official Information Act requests

For proactively released Official Information Act (OIA) requests please click here.

Ministerial Briefings

Research and Reports