Official Information Act responses

The Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) allows eligible people to request and receive information held by public sector agencies, including the SFO. We publish our responses to OIA requests so that information of public interest is more readily available to the public.

We will publish OIA responses that are appropriate for wider publication in batches at reasonable intervals (typically once a quarter). We reserve the right to decide what responses we publish and the timing of publication.  

The reply letter from the SFO details the information requested, the information being released and explains what information, if any, has been withheld and under which grounds of the OIA.  

Personal details of requesters have been removed to protect their privacy. 

Responses are released in Adobe PDF format and documents may contain redacted information. Any document with redactions will include an explanatory note about why the information has been redacted. 

Responses are listed in release date order below: